Vinny Cerrato says he will be another set of eyes to see if he can help improve offensive production.

In 1999, Mike Nolan was coaching the defense for a team that was in contention thanks to its potent offense. The defense stunk for whatever reasons. I can't remember if they were really bad at run defense or pass defense, but I somehow recall them being bad at both. They hired Bill Arnsbarger to be a consultant. Good, we thought, Arnsbarger will consult, he'll make pie graphs and submit a report, and everything will improve. Mike Nolan was replaced by Ray Rhodes for the 2000 season.
Another set of eyes = You're doing a fine job, and maybe start considering doing a fine job somewhere else.
Steve doesn't think Sherm Lewis will fix anything, but does think "that easing Zorn's workload isn't such a bad idea, theoretically. Zorn has way too much responsibility - he's head coach, quarterbacks coach, offensive coordinator, and playcaller. maybe if he can focus on being head coach and quarterbacks coach, and Lewis can do the coordinating, it could improve things. But yes, I do think that this is proof that Zorn is toast, barring an unforeseeable turnaround."
Dad agrees with Steve. "Lewis is a half measure, maybe a quarter measure, to try to salvage this dreadful season before it is a lost cause. If there is a major turn around, and the Skins go on to win 10+ games, and get to the second round of the playoffs, Zorn keeps his job. If they come up anything short of that, Zorn (and Campbell) both are toast. But, I do think that Zorn is not toast yet; he can still keep his job if the team achieves success."
Charley Casserly calls it a "Kiss of Death" for Zorn, which sounds bad. Finally, I just want to put it on record that Snyder should bring back Casserly as GM. He's a career Redskin despite his time with Houston and Snyder admitted he erred by firing him instead of Norv. Charley got us Gerald Riggs, Earnest Byner, and all the great role players on the 91 team like Tim Johnson, Fred Stokes, Ricky Ervins. He drafted Mario Williams with Houston when everyone was screaming for Reggie Bush, and it looks like he made the right call. Hire Charley Casserly.
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