Sunday, December 26, 2010

Baby, Its Cold Outside: Redskins 20, Jaguars 17 OT

"Even when the Redskins are frustratingly, heartbreakingly, soul-scorchingly mediocre, I manage to look forward to Sundays every week. We're only doing this one more time. Sure, the offseason stuff is fun, but it's fun the way the intermission ice hockey mites are fun. I really like the games. And there's only one left."--Dan Steinberg

The big blizzard was supposed to drop a ton of show on us, but then it changed to 1-3 inches. We were going to take the Metro up to Grosvenor, but then figured, what the hell, maybe the roads won't get too bad.

The weather held up, the fire was warm, the fancy cheeses were luxurious, the mood of the RClub with the highest attendance of the year was relaxed, and the Redskins won a close one to go to 6-9 on the season, thanks to the high energy of a bunch of low paid no names on defense, such as Derrion Scott, Joe Joseph, Rob Jackson, Kevin Barnes, and Macho Harris.

We had to watch on tape-delayed DVR while everyone loaded up their bagels with lox and whatnot, but when we pressed play, we watched Rex Grossman toss a short td to Sleepy Davis (after an easy Cooley drop) and Carlos catch an interception--yes--catch an interception. His first since the Houston game..

Then of course the game got bogged down Redskins style, meaning no more offense and no more third down conversions. However, late in the third quarter, Rex and company put together a really long drive that culminated with a Ryan Torain touchdown plunge on 4th down to go up 17-10.

The game went to OT after a David Garrard scramble touchdown.

We lost the toss, but Vonnie Holliday forced Garrard to throw a stupid pass right into the arms of Kevin Barnes--
and Gano slipped in the winning field goal.

A 7-9 record wouldn't be so horrible. It would match the predictions of all the naysayers who said we're be very mediocre though.

Looking back, it made perfect sense to me to envision Donovan McNabb throwing 12 touchdown passes to Chris Cooley thanks to a functioning and robust Shanahan run-oriented offense lead by a finally healthy Clinton Portis.

This did not happen.

McNabb got benched because he has a dearth of weapons at his disposal/he stinks at throwing. Clinton Portis can't get his body to give him one last great season. Cooley often disappeared from the game plan. Santana Moss had a very good year statistically, but he no longer appears to be thought of, or able to be, the deep threat/number one guy. Armstrong made some contributions but he's not that guy either. That guy ain't here yet.

All that's left is the Giants game and a chance to knock out a rival from the playoffs. Spite!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Long Hard Times to Come: Cowboys 33, Redskins 30

When McNabb got an Amtrak and came to Washington, and Campbell flew out of town, Redskins fans like me tried to hold our noses and think about how the days of "field-goal-instead-of-touchdown" were over. McNabb is inaccurate sometimes, but when he has first and goal inside the 10, he finds someone and gets him the ball for a touchdown--that was the salve of this deal that forced us to root for the Eagle who killed us for a decade.

But now look at him. 14 touchdowns, 15 interceptions, and Rex Grossman is the dude tossing 4 touchdown passes in a game, all from inside the 20 yard line. Hey, McNabb. Why don't you don't you go and shove your hands down your pants? Oh, already doing that? Good, good for you.

This is a catfish--a bottom feeding fish. DC sports teams are the bottom feeders of the sports world at the moment.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And So This is Dallas Week

So this is Dallas Week
And what have you done
Another season over
And the misery weighs a ton

And so this is Dallas week
I hope we’ll have won
But the team’s lacking talent
and we need to get young

A very merry Dallas Week
And a happy Next Year
Let's hope for some functioning rookies
That we don’t have to jeer

And so this is Dallas Week
For weak and not-so-strong
For the underachievers and also-rans
This season turned out wrong
And so happy Dallas Week
So in lieu of toys
Just give us one simple thing
A victory over the Cowboys
A very merry Dallas Week
Perhaps I’ll drink some beer
To deaden the sensation
If Jon Kitna’s kicking our rear

And so this is Dallas Week
And what Has Shanahan done?
Has all this been rebuiliding?
Or another failed delusional title run?
And so this is Dallas Week
A Cowboy sweep will keep us warm
But if you look at Skins recent history
Its far from the norm
A very merry Dallas Week
And a happy New Year
McNabb, its time to step up
Stop Throwing like Johnny Weir

This season's over now

If you want it

The season is over


Monday, December 13, 2010

Horse Shit: Bucs 17, Redskins 16

Horse Shit!

What the hell are you DOING?
What the HELL are you doing?That's Horse Shit!--drunk guy with poncho

C'mon Redskins! REDSKINS! (full throated screaming)

I want a win and Do It ("It" not specified, but screamed without reservation nonetheless)--another drunk guy

Hunter! Hunter the Punter, alright! (Lady fan cheering despite the Redskins being forced to punt after after an incomplete pass)

These are the people in my community. Redskins fans. People who decided to sit in the cold December rain and watch a 5-7 team blow what would have been a heartbreaker had the team still been trying to make a legitimate run at the playoffs.

Some of them seem to impersonate what happens in pentecostal churches when they catch the holy ghost and start dancing around speaking in tongues.

The Redskins version of that is (all yelling):

1. C'mon do something (positive)
2. You guys are (doing something negative)
3. Let's go Redskins
4. Full throated, cave man call of the wild screaming of just "Redskins" like Redskins was the first word they thought of when they slammed their hand in a car door.

I wasn't imbibing like those people were, but I am them. When a Tampa receiver caught a long pass and then flexed toward our section in the stadium, the only thing that I found appropriate was to give him the middle finger and tell him that he sucked.

The guy who kept saying horse shit made me crack up. I'm glad he didn't see or hear me because it was hilarious. The people who drink to destruction at Fed Ex are a sad bunch, but today being drunk was the way to be because it was cold and wet and the Redskins did their thing--scoring a touchdown after a 2 minute drill and the botching the extra point that would tie the game.

It was an unusual situation. Scoring to tie it up with nine seconds left, then missing the extra point because of a high snap/botched catch, but not really caring, getting up, and walking out of the stadium. From the joy to misery in an instant, but all completely muted because of how consistently this team lets us down. Emotional scar tissue, I suppose. Ryan Torain was a total beast in the first half, running for 150 yards or something. But you need those yards in the second half, and we couldn't get them because we can't throw consistently.

Not enough talent.

One nice thing is that the players noticed, according to the DC Sports Bog:

"I notice everything," Phillip Daniels said. "I just appreciate the people that came out here in the rain to support us. I really love those people for doing that. You know, they didn't have to. They could have did just like the rest of them, stayed home and not supported us, but I appreciate the fans that came out. You can't do anything about the crowd. It's bad weather, we're not winning, so those things play a factor, but at the same time, I appreciate every fan that stands behind us regardless of what happens or where we are. I love those kind of fans."

"I noticed it," Andre Carter said. "I noticed it. But at the end of the day, it's about us. We appreciate the diehards that came out and contributed and made it as loud as possible."

"One, when you don't win, you kind of expect that, and two, on a very cold and windy day, you kind of expect that," Reed Doughty said. "But the fans that were here, I really appreciated what they brought to us, and I thought it was a pretty lively crowd. If you're gonna show up [on a day like that], you're gonna cheer. I felt like they were with us til the end."
"You know what, I have to say this about our fans: given the circumstances, given the rain and the cold, I was impressed with the fans, the true fans," Vonnie Holliday said. "Those are the people that sat out in that rain the whole time, and that cold, and supported their team and cheered us on. Hats off to them. With those conditions, at this point in the season, to show up and to cheer us on, I mean, it's much appreciated. I know all these guys in the locker room appreciate that."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Acceptance: Giants 31, Redskins 7

I've been looking for this quote from an episode from 30 Rock from a few years ago. In it, Liz Lemon is describing how settling for her dysfunctional yet predictable relationship with Dennis Duffy suits her just fine; how it allows her to enter a sort of relaxed state of acceptance and tranquility.

Her friend quickly interjects that she is describing the physical sensations one experiences when drowning to

When the Giants went up 14-0 yesterday in the first quarter, I crossed the line from hoping/scheming/scoreboard watching to a relaxed state of acceptance and tranquility. The competitive portion of the 2010 campaign was over. The 2010 Redskins had in fact drowned, and the remaining four games have become an "intellectual curiosity," as Dad said yesterday.

Some people say the team quit or whatever, but the moral of the story once again is lack of talent. The defense has talented players, but they are not suited for the 3-4. The offensive line is nothing but a patchwork. It would be nice for Shanahan to say so explicitly. "Yes, these guys tried very hard but they all have to go or hit our bench. Big upgrades needed." If he's thinking "I really thought these guys had what it took to go the distance--I can't believe our misfortune," then this personnel purgatory nightmare will continue.

Anyhow, watching the game at Steve's place was a really nice change of pace. The panini place on F Street makes a mean turkey reuben. WMATA was generally accurate with its Red Line schedule. McNabb threw a nice touchdown pass to Anthony Armstrong to cut the lead to 21. Reed Doughty made a nice textbook tackle on Jacobs. I didn't see any Giants fans on the street. That's it for positivity.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ohhh, Devin Thomas Is a NY Giant, Now. I Love It!

(skip to 3:00)

Idiot Thomas! Big, bad, video superstar, can't get on the field, can't stay awake in team meetings, can't beat out Joey Galloway on the depth chart, can't play for Jim Zorn, can't stay on the 1-10 Panthers. You are a g-damn New York football Giant, now? Oh, holy shit. Let's see this, Idiot Thomas!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

#@$% You, Dick Stockton: Vikings 17, Redskins 13

The casual fan will remember the fact that Brandon Banks scored the go ahead touchdown on a punt return in the 4th quarter, which was nullified by Perry Riley pushing a Viking in the back--completely needlessly.

But the Redskins lost today because they don't have enough talent. Santana Moss is still a good player, but he can't be the #1 guy. His two drops cost at least three points.

The offensive line is still crap. Its better than it was last season--Shanahan did a decent job putting together a functional offensive line, but they still stink. The o-line needs to get younger, bigger, better at every position except left tackle.

Running back was a small problem for a little while, but now it is a major problem. Clinton Portis is probably done as a starter in Washington at the very least. We don't know what we have in Torain really, and Keiland Williams appears to be a decent option in spot duty. The Redskins needs a real killer at running back. Someone with fresh legs, power, and explosive speed. Against the Vikings, Williams and a guy off the street picked up a total 30 yards.

But I'll remember this game for the--dare I say it--Dick tease.

It was 17-13. We had no offense momentum. Brandon Banks catches the punt, makes a move around a guy, finds a seem, and is gone.

Me: Oh! oh, oh shit. Its coming back, right?

Joey: ?

(Banks continues to run, crowd is cheering)

Me: Did they not throw a flag!?

Joey: ?

Dick Stockton: Touchdown Redskins! There are no flags.

Me: (Jumping and celebrating, but only 95%, because I can't believe they didn't throw a flag on Perry Riley for blocking in the back. I supposed the refs had just missed it like the refs missed it the previous week when the Titans scored on a punt return)

Dick Stockton: There is a flag down. Remember when I said there weren't any flags down? Well, forget that because there is a flag down. But just one flag so try not to get too mad (he didn't really say this verbatim)

Me: I'll ^%$%ing kill you, Dick Stockton!!!!

Favre iced the game and then we lost. We are 5-6. In November, the teams in the middle of the pack decide who goes forward and who stays behind. The Redskins stink in November.

Its silly to be counting on a Redskins run like 2005 or 2007. But why not play along--November rooting against other NFC teams only comes along but once a year.

After the San Diego game in November 2005, we were 5-6. Minnesota was 6-5. Dallas and Atlanta were 7-4. We leapfrogged 'em all for #6

Today: 5. New Orleans 8-3

6. Green Bay, New York Giants/Philadelphia, Tampa Bay Bucs 7-4

Washington 5-6

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gut Check Time: Redskins 19, Titans 16 OT

"Shanahan is going to lambast the players this week, and they'll all be scared sh*tless about their job security, and they'll play well from here on out."--Steve

"I really don't know what to think. Last night's game was the worst beating I've ever seen. I just hope they can forget about it entirely and compete this week."--

"Gut check time"--
Dad, 3:38 pm, on a cruise ship off the Florida coast

It was not easy, and it was not pretty, especially with the long list of injuries.

But enough about me and Joey trying to clean out the den, ripping a roomba wall unit of the wall, tearing apart a mobile shelving unit, a redistributing the multitude of crap and knicknacks we have compiled over the years.

Let's talk Redskins, and how they overcame injuries before the game, in pre-game warmups, and during the game to grab a badly needed and well earned victory in Nashville.
Landry and Rogers--pre-game scratches
Chad Simpson--hurt in warmups
Clinton Portis--played well in the beginning, picking up first downs on screens and off-tackle runs, but re-injured his groin

Lorenzo Alexander, Kedric Golston, Rocky McIntosh.

Hall and Moss left the field in the second half.
Then there was the offensive line. Artis Hicks was already a scratch, so the starting lineup was this:

Rabach hurt his knee, so Will Montgomery played Center. Dockery got hurt, so Lichtensteiger went to play left guard, and back up tackle Stephon Heyer came in to play right guard (he had never played guard in his life before).
So it became: Williams--Lichtensteiger--Montgomery--Heyer--Brown.
McNabb threw for almost 400 yards and a td to Moss.
Big Massive Props to Heyer who gets a lot of shit from critics, mostly because he often plays so awfully and comedically terrible.

The game was back and forth and unspectacular. Late in the third quarter, Vince Young threw a td pass to Moss that was called back because of pass interference, VY hurt his thumb on the play. A guy named Rusty Smith came in, and he kind of stunk. However, the skins couldn't take advantage of his terrible interception because, on a crucial third and 4, the Skins went back to their worst play--step on McNabb's foot for a loss of 5.

McNabb gave us a chance to win at the end of regulation, but Gano's kick fell short.

In OT, Chris Johnson ran for 20 on the first play. This was followed by a stuff, and two incomplete passes.

The Titans ended up completely giving it away on our drive, with a roughing the passer penalty, unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, and defensive holding.

Gano got another chance, and he nailed it. He...naailed it.
However, the Skins couldn't gain much ground in the playoff chase because the Bears, Eagles, Saints, Bucs, and Packers won. But they can't all win forever.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Flashback: Mid-November 2003

Flashback: Mid-November 2003

The 4-5 Redskins went down South to see if they could salvage a November tailspin. In a very emotional game against the Carolina Panthers and Redskins' cast away Stephen Davis, the Redskins were up 17-13 with 4 minutes to go and a real chance to get to .500 and continue the relevant portion of the season.

Patrick Ramsey threw a bullet of a touchdown pass to Patrick Johnson. His body language was: Hell Yeaahhhhhh. In yo face! We win! Check out my hardcore fist pump!

We could feel it through the TV screen. What incredible satisfaction to keep the season alive, defeating the best team in the NFC whose star player had a revenge jones for us.

On the make or break drive, the Panthers had a 4th and 1 on their own thirty-something. Delhomme went back to pass--just the fact that he want back to pass instead of handing off to Davis gave a second or two of giddy hope. Delhomme had not had a good game. A linebacker converged on Delhomme just as he planted his feet--all he could do was find a hot route receiver. Surely there would be someone there to disrupt the very rushed pass and end the game.

No. The only guy there on the strong side flat was Stephen Davis. He caught the ball and turned up field to nothing but green grass. Two or three plays later, Davis scored on a short td run despite an instant replay challenge.

That one really hurt. I think I remember saying that as I left Redskins Club to drive home. The Redskins would only win one more game, finishing 5-11. Yes, the cruel reality is that at 4-5, an NFL team is truly teetering on the edge.

Despite the total asskicking from Monday, I think the Skins will make a game of it in Tennessee. But just like 7 years ago, there will be a small handful of moments, decisions, like a linebacker deciding not to account for a runningback leaving the backfield, that can all but end the 2010 campaign, or breathe new life into it. Good luck to us.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Eagles Destroy My Emotional Health in Real Time, 59-28

12:45: Looking forward to the game. Might drink some beer to deaden the sensation. But a loss really puts us up against it--2 games behind wild card leaders which would be Philly, or NYG, New Orleans and Tampa, Chicago or Green Bay. Really bad.

2:59: During Philadelphia week, I am not allowed to listen to The Roots or any Philly based music, which eliminates a lot of material from my workout playlist. New York weeks are much more difficult though--no Jay-Z, Nas, Wu-Tang, Gangstarr, Black Moon, Busta Rhymes, Beastie Boys, BDP, and so on. I also can't wear my dark green hoodie.

3:40: "The Washington Redskins and quarterback Donovan McNabb have agreed to a five-year, $78 million extension that could be worth up to $88 million with incentives, a source with knowledge of the agreement told ESPN NFL Insider Michael Smith. The source said $40 million of the deal will be guaranteed."

No joke, I'm glad that I avoided the two-week he said/they said nonsense the media put together over the last two weeks. Looks like they like having McNabb around.

4:17: Steve: any thoughts on resigning McNabb to 5 year deal? Are we (1) crazy because he's old and has kind of sucked so far; or (2) brilliant because he's going to ripen with age and because it will fire everyone up for the big Monday night game against the Eagles; or (3) just plain stupid.

Me: Its kind of crazy, but its the old crazy, so its not that crazy. Also, there's a chance he'll get better. I'd like him to lose some weight though. Having him around is, in fact, better than having him leave for the Vikings and starting some rookie or Rex Chapman next year.Steve: I agree. McNabb may be a problem, but he's our problem

7:27: Joey's fantasy football mantras:

-I like to win
-I want to win
-More points for more more jo's
-Points, points, points
-Just say no to touchdowns

I need Chris Cooley to have a monster game tonight. Something like 100 yards and a touchdown. That way both the Redskins and one of my fantasy teams can win this week.

8:28: It it me, or does Chick Hernandez on Comcast seem happier when the Redskins lose? When they win, he can't act all smarmy and passive aggressive.

8:35: I just don't want to see Vick throw a 80 yard bomb in the first minute

8:38: Hank Williams Jr.'s "song" is beyond awful. Its so awful it laps itself and returns to awful.

8:42: Oh, make that 88 yards. F me. 7-0.

8:46. 3 runs for Williams, 8 yards. A lot of dancing in the hole, then stuffed.

8:53: Shanahan did not have this team ready after 14 days. 14-0 Eagles after Vick scramble. ESPN extremely aroused.

8:58: McNabb intercepted. Coach Zorn couldn't have drawn this nightmare up any better. One yard pass to Armstrong. Four yard pass to Moss. McNabb goes back to pass, the middle of the line gets blown up like usual, he dodges a blitzer, then throws a ball that gets deflected and then caught by an Eagle.

9:05: Shovel pass touchdown. 21-0. The coaches couldn't have been doing anything over the bye. They don't a clue.

9:11: 2 running plays. Redskins don't seem all that concerned. And an overthrow on third down. YOU SUCK.

9:16: Jerome Harrison just ran 50 yards for a touchdown. Mining disasters are tuning to ESPN to see what's going on.

9:20: Galloway drop. I quit.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Real Men of Genius

The Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" ad campaign is a classic. I don't know why they stopped making them. See below.

There are so many topics. For example:

Real Men of Genius salutes you, Mr. I Don't Watch the Games But Here's What I Think Anyway

(Mr. I Don't Watch the Games But Here's What I Think Anyway)

You could have watched the game, and probably wanted to, but somehow got bullied into doing something else
(Had to Alphabetize the Wife's Socks Agaiiii-iin)
I know what's wrong with my team because I saw what happened on the TV, But you're the expert because you overheard something on the radio about Clinton Portis
(Something about not being as good as when he was in Denver-err-errr)
At the very least, you know the score of the game, and should know I'm just not in the mood this Monday morning
(Let me tell you, man...)
Oh my goodness. This is the first you've heard that your "favorite" hometown team is in first place. Get out of my office!
(A fan since day one!)
So here's to you, Mr. I Don't Watch the Games But Here's What I Think Anyway

Sunday, October 31, 2010

This Year's Redskins Answer the Question Whaaaat? Lions 37, Redskins 25

What a wild weekend of soccer, birthday dinners, naps, and the schitzo Washington Redskins went up to Detroit trying find some kind of identity and a win before going into the bye week. Instead, McNabb threw a terrible interception with a five point lead less than five minutes left. The flood gates opened, the Skins lost, and McNabb got benched because Mike Shanahan thought Rex Grossman would give us a better chance to win. Yeah. Crazy.

Thanks to long punt and kickoff returns from Brandon Banks, the Skins had a chance to win, up 25-20 with 5 minutes left in the 4th. As the Lions punted, I said, "It would really be great for us to get an offensive touchdown, for our confidence (because of course this game was totally ours and nothing bad was going to happen.)

But then McNabb, on 2nd and 10, threw into triple coverage for an interception, and minutes later, Calvin Johnson scored his third touchdown of the game on 4th and 1.

Then, down 31-25, the Skins had one last chance. But with no timeouts, Shanahan thought now's the perfect time to bring out Rex Grossman. First Shanahan justified it by saying Grossman knows the 2 minute drill terminology. Then he said its because McNabb was kind of beat up. Then he said its because Rex is in better shape.

The reaction has been unanimous--what a total cluster eff, because not only did we blow a chance to be 5-3 at the bye, we added a completely unnecessary distraction about McNabb's future and the coaching staff's faith in him.

The only possible silver lining is that this lights a fire under McNabb's ass who, let's face it, has been generally crappy this year. His saving grace has been being able to hit a few long ones each game.

Now, bye week. Kind of sick of this up and down team at the moment.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Winning the Battle of Who Could Care Less: Redskins 17, Bears 14

9 Turnovers. Cutler threw 4 picks to DeAngelo Hall, one for a 92 yard game winning touchdown. McNabb threw 2 picks, one returned for a touchdown. Two Ryan Torain fumbles. Cutler got stripped at the goal line. A third McNabb interception for a TD got called back, thankfully, because McNabb was too slow with the play and got called for delay of game.
So these two teams were pretty awful, and neither deserved to win. But DeAngelo Hall put the Redskins on his back and made the big plays.

After McNabb threw his pick 6, he came back and led a really nice drive culminating in a post pattern touchdown to Moss. But McNabb either starts crappy-- throwing ducks and overthrows and then rallies--or he puts together a nice drive getting the lead, showing flashes of competence, and then calls it a day.

When the Skins were up 10-7 and Cutler was playing crappy, Kyle and McNabb teamed up for a 3 or 4 three-and-outs in a row, making it impossible to pull away.

Early in the third Q, with the Bears up 14-10. the football gods conspired to keep us alive.

It was first and goal. Cutler sneaked it, extended the ball so that it was arguably over the white chalk of the goal line.

All of a sudden, Haynesworth and Fletcher come flying through and the ball gets knocked out, Redskins recovered. (Haynesworth, by the way was a world wrecker. On one play, he literally drove the guy blocking him straight backwards and into Jay Cutler for a sack)

However, McNabb got picked off again, by DJ Moore again, and he walked right in the end zone for the score. Double however, the play clock ran out. Delay of game--no play! Sweet incompetence!
So we punted. And someone must have been listening to me because Hunter Smith did not punt to Devin Hester once. Not once. Smith repeatedly punted out of bounds, sometimes comically for a total of 20 yards. But it was the right strategy. Hester's freakish awesomeness often bails out Cutler.
And yet, there were drives where Cutler looked pretty sharp on the two and three step drops. But on a third down, Cutler went all "eff it, dude" put up a back foot lob throw to the sideline that Hall snatched with one hand and took it all the way down the sideline for the winning score.

Ryan Torain made some great runs late in the 4th, putting him over 100 yard again, but he fumbled twice--once in the red zone.

Its great to get the win. I was completely certain that we were going to lose the game right before the early third quarter deux ex machina/shenanigans that kept Chicago off the scoreboard.

Instead, we get to 4-3, which is pretty awesome for an NFC team this year. We have a QB that plays well for a bit before calling it a day; a defense that gives up a ton of yards but is learning to strip and intercept; and a team that is getting the breaks. Its nice for a change.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Don't Punt to Devin Hester/Don't Put Salt In Your Eyes

This Kids in the Hall skit reminds me of the problem posed by Devin Hester returning punts, and the teams that insist on doing so.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Is Everyone So Wide Open!: Colts 27, Redskins 24

Look at this dog. This dog, like me, is pissed off at the following:

1. Carlos Rogers can't catch. Yeah, we know he really can't catch, But SERIOUSLY, Carlos Rogers can't catch! He literally can't! And neither could Kareem Moore. You can't drop interceptions and hope to still beat Peyton Manning.

2. McNabb--slant passes are great. You have to react fast and really zip the ball in to your receiver in a tight space. Its an effective play. But its very hard to do well if you throw the g-d damn ball before you even turn your head to look at where you are throwing. When you do that, you can very well throw an interception! Are you kidding me! You are making this dog very upset!

3. Cover your man--no one cares if you're playing zone. The scoreboard doesn't care, I don't care. The dog sure as hell doesn't care. See that guy run past you? That's Austin Collie. Chances are Peyton Manning's gonna throw that ball to him, not that patch of grass you're standing on. Cover your man.

4. Joseph Addai--breaking tackles and running for 46 yards after we pull within 3? WTF, dude. Don't you see we have our hands full with your QB? Give it a rest, will you? Jeez.

5. But what I still can't get over is that Third and 1 sweep toss play early in the 4th quarter, just after Fletcher knocked out Addai, causing a fumble, with the Skins down by 7. We had all the momentum on our side.

It was third and inches after a completion to Sleepy Davis. Instead of a quick hitting play--QB sneak, something behind the Guard/Center/Mike Sellers, Kyle called a toss sweep to the left.

Torain was great, but he's not that fast, and that play takes a long ass time to develop and forces the runner to be running sideways, not up the field trying to get those couple of inches. It completely the advantage of needing a short distance for the first down. He was tackled behind the line. HOLY #@$%.

Some Good Things:

-Cris Collinsworth: I could spend months here (Washington, D.C.) just going to museums and...
Joey: Oh shut up, Cris Collinsworth, you can't even read!

-Torain broke a lot of tackles and looked generally awesome.

-Orakpo's sack and fumble. Huge play at the time.

-Landry and Buchanon's defense late in the game, causing a three and out, giving McNabb one more chance. Too bad Kyle was calling the plays for that drive too.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Brothers in Arms: Redskins 16, Packers 13 OT

"Game Over"--Dad

"Its still a long one."--Me

"We need a turnover."--Steve

Another classic Washington, D.C. weekend in October. Just beautiful. Rainbows are shooting out of my [ears]. Check out this rocket of a goal:

The moral of the story is when your first attempt is a lame dribbler mis-hit, and somehow, inexplicably, you get a second opportunity to grasp glory by the tail, you take that opportunity and crank that junk right past the goalie and silently scream an obscenity to yourself!

That's just what the Redskins did against the Green Bay Packers today. They pretty much stunk in the first half, particularly on offense. They couldn't really run, no one was getting open, Clay Matthews Jr. was making our o-line look like dog food, and we gained negative 20 yards after snatching a fumble and taking possession in the red zone early in the game.

But they stayed in it. A huge play was stopping Green Bay on 4th and goal in the first half when Lorenzo Alexander went out in coverage and prevented the tight end from scoring on the play action.

McNabb was overthrowing and underthrowing and running for his life, but somehow, on a 3rd and 12, scrambled around and found Moss on a long sideline route, and that led to a field goal.

This is kind of what McNabb did to us. Stink a whole bunch, but then make an extremely consequential play.

Burgers at halftime were excellent. Compliments to the chef(s).

So, the first half was a lame dribbler to the goalie, but because the Packers couldn't pull away, the Redskins got a second kick at the ball. Up 13-3, the Packers got stopped on third and 1, and then missed a really long field goal, pushed right. Still alive, but down by 10 at the start of the 4th quarter.

McNabb hit not really all that old man Joey Galloway for a first down, and then went down town like a satisfactory Red Line train, to Anthony Armstrong on a deep post jump ball. Outstanding ups and hand strength to haul that one in.

After another stop, McNabb drove 'em close, but not really close enough. Gano pushed a field goal wide right.

Thanks to an-all out jail house blitz and a sack by Fletcher on the next possession, the Skins got it back down by 3. A Cooley catch n'rampage (3 broken tackles) got us within FG range.
Gano barely snuck it in. I don't know how that ball stopped its initial desire to slice, but it was good.
GB had a chance to win. After, the completion to the 35, Dad said game over. But the Packers had no timeouts left and couldn't run an additional play. Its still pretty long, I said.
It looked perfect. High, and straight down the middle. But when it reached its peak, it began to move.

In OT, LaRon Landry snatched an errant pass from concussed Aaron Rodgers, and returned it into field goal range.
And Gano Made it.
Man, am I tired.
After losing to the Rams, I thought we'd need to find a way to win two of the next three games against seemingly excellent opponents:--Philly, Green Bay, and the Colts if we wanted the relevant portion of the season to extend indefinitely.
Well, we got our two.
And by the way, the Colts aren't that great this year. No one is great this year. The Atlanta Falcons have the best record in the NFC right now, tied with maybe the worst 4-1 team ever, the Chicago Bears.
Its wide open.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Should Be Savored Like a Fine Wine

October is the Best.