Thursday, November 18, 2010

Flashback: Mid-November 2003

Flashback: Mid-November 2003

The 4-5 Redskins went down South to see if they could salvage a November tailspin. In a very emotional game against the Carolina Panthers and Redskins' cast away Stephen Davis, the Redskins were up 17-13 with 4 minutes to go and a real chance to get to .500 and continue the relevant portion of the season.

Patrick Ramsey threw a bullet of a touchdown pass to Patrick Johnson. His body language was: Hell Yeaahhhhhh. In yo face! We win! Check out my hardcore fist pump!

We could feel it through the TV screen. What incredible satisfaction to keep the season alive, defeating the best team in the NFC whose star player had a revenge jones for us.

On the make or break drive, the Panthers had a 4th and 1 on their own thirty-something. Delhomme went back to pass--just the fact that he want back to pass instead of handing off to Davis gave a second or two of giddy hope. Delhomme had not had a good game. A linebacker converged on Delhomme just as he planted his feet--all he could do was find a hot route receiver. Surely there would be someone there to disrupt the very rushed pass and end the game.

No. The only guy there on the strong side flat was Stephen Davis. He caught the ball and turned up field to nothing but green grass. Two or three plays later, Davis scored on a short td run despite an instant replay challenge.

That one really hurt. I think I remember saying that as I left Redskins Club to drive home. The Redskins would only win one more game, finishing 5-11. Yes, the cruel reality is that at 4-5, an NFL team is truly teetering on the edge.

Despite the total asskicking from Monday, I think the Skins will make a game of it in Tennessee. But just like 7 years ago, there will be a small handful of moments, decisions, like a linebacker deciding not to account for a runningback leaving the backfield, that can all but end the 2010 campaign, or breathe new life into it. Good luck to us.

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