What the hell are you DOING?
What the HELL are you doing?That's Horse Shit!--drunk guy with poncho
C'mon Redskins! REDSKINS! (full throated screaming)
I want a win and Do It ("It" not specified, but screamed without reservation nonetheless)--another drunk guy
Hunter! Hunter the Punter, alright! (Lady fan cheering despite the Redskins being forced to punt after after an incomplete pass)
These are the people in my community. Redskins fans. People who decided to sit in the cold December rain and watch a 5-7 team blow what would have been a heartbreaker had the team still been trying to make a legitimate run at the playoffs.
Some of them seem to impersonate what happens in pentecostal churches when they catch the holy ghost and start dancing around speaking in tongues.
The Redskins version of that is (all yelling):
1. C'mon do something (positive)
2. You guys are (doing something negative)
3. Let's go Redskins
4. Full throated, cave man call of the wild screaming of just "Redskins" like Redskins was the first word they thought of when they slammed their hand in a car door.
I wasn't imbibing like those people were, but I am them. When a Tampa receiver caught a long pass and then flexed toward our section in the stadium, the only thing that I found

The guy who kept saying horse shit made me crack up. I'm glad he didn't see or hear me because it was hilarious. The people who drink to destruction at Fed Ex are a sad bunch, but today being drunk was the way to be because it was cold and wet and the Redskins did their thing--scoring a touchdown after a 2 minute drill and the botching the extra point that would tie the game.
It was an unusual situation. Scoring to tie it up with nine seconds left, then missing the extra point because of a high snap/botched catch, but not really caring, getting up, and walking out of the stadium. From the joy to misery in an instant, but all completely muted because of how consistently this team lets us down. Emotional scar tissue, I suppose. Ryan Torain was a total beast in the first half, running for 150 yards or something. But you need those yards in the second half, and we couldn't get them because we can't throw consistently.

One nice thing is that the players noticed, according to the DC Sports Bog:

"I notice everything," Phillip Daniels said. "I just appreciate the people that came out here in the rain to support us. I really love those people for doing that. You know, they didn't have to. They could have did just like the rest of them, stayed home and not supported us, but I appreciate the fans that came out. You can't do anything about the crowd. It's bad weather, we're not winning, so those things play a factor, but at the same time, I appreciate every fan that stands behind us regardless of what happens or where we are. I love those kind of fans."
"I noticed it," Andre Carter said. "I noticed it. But at the end of the day, it's about us. We appreciate the diehards that came out and contributed and made it as loud as possible."

"One, when you don't win, you kind of expect that, and two, on a very cold and windy day, you kind of expect that," Reed Doughty said. "But the fans that were here, I really appreciated what they brought to us, and I thought it was a pretty lively crowd. If you're gonna show up [on a day like that], you're gonna cheer. I felt like they were with us til the end."
"You know what, I have to say this about our fans: given the circumstances, given the rain and the cold, I was impressed with the fans, the true fans," Vonnie Holliday said. "Those are the people that sat out in that rain the whole time, and that cold, and supported their team and cheered us on. Hats off to them. With those conditions, at this point in the season, to show up and to cheer us on, I mean, it's much appreciated. I know all these guys in the locker room appreciate that."
One other memorable quote from an anonymous Skins at the end of the second quarter, when McNabb and Shanablanahanagan were deliberating over how many delay of game penalties they wanted to incur: "T-t-t-t-t-t today, Junior!"
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, Dan