The day got off to a very bad start. I woke up before 8 to see if my busted ankle would be able to support me in my soccer game. I sat down at the computer to play "Sunday Morning" by K-Os to celebrate the dawn of the new season when I heard a hissing sound coming from the kitchen. After a very superficial examination, I realized I didn't understand what the hell was going on, so I naturally woke Joey, who discovered that the plastic water line connecting the freezer's icemaker to the sink had ruptured and was about to flood our home.
I ran to get her now defunct laundry bucket and we filled it up with water before she figured out how to twist the rupture shut. She then put a dress sock on top of it and taped it up while I lifted the half bull hamper of water and tossed out through the window screen and on to the parking lot.
Joey had moved the fridge from the wall, and in the process, we found a 3 or 4 inch square hole in the side of the cabinets that existed for no other reason then to let mice sneak in. The builder must have thought, dang, these cabinets look pretty good, what's missing? Oh, I know, a big useless fucking hole so that one a day a mouse can come in cause all kinds of a havoc!
So off we went to the hardware store, where we got a big flat wrench to turn off the water, some sealing foam, sandpaper, and some spray scent for my car which always seems to stink after I play sports.
We got home and Joey turned off the water while I hurriedly put my gear on for my soccer game. It was really nice day, and because we were playing the worst team in the league--only slightly worse than us--I wanted to play badly. After some warmup runs, I realized I could run on my ankle, but not kick very well. I played the whole game and did pretty well, but we lost 3-2 of course.
After showering and changing, we drove out to Dad's for Redskins club.
It was deja vu all over again. The Giants slowly and methodically marched down the field converting third and 8s with 9 yard completions. We had a chance to recover a fumbled snap, but of course we didn't do it. We also refused to blitz and put Eli in uncomfortable positions. However, they only got a field goal.
The Skins responded with a really nice Portis run on first down, followed by a horribly executed option pass for Randle El who forgot to throw it away and got sacked. Screen pass and then punt.
Steve and Dad thought the option play was a terrible play call, but I thought it was worth a shot. If the play isn't there, all you have to do is throw the ball away. Idiot!
The new and improved defense simply could not put put any pressure (or simply refused to blitz him because Blache is a damn idiot moron) and Eli was able to keep our offense off the field. One one play, the pocket around Eli caved in a little before he threw it, and Steve thought that that constituted pressure. No, that's not pressure. I said that he had Battered Fan Syndrome.
Pressure is when a quarterback is hit so hard that every gasps and covers their mouths, and wonders whether if the same amount of violence would occur had the QB been hit by a bus. No, the Redskins don't put on that kind of pressure. They did hit Eli and roughed him, causing a fumble, but the Skins couldn't score except for a fake field goal touchdown.
Yeah, that's right, the performance was so bleak that a fake field goal touchdown could barely improve the mood of the group.
In addition to all this, I lost all of my bets and two of my fantasy football teams got throttled.
Next week, at home vs. St. Louis Rams. If we lose that, it will be a conflagration.
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