Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Free Jason Campbell

Idiot columnist Peter King says that if Zorn is not calling conventional pass plays for Campbell in the red zone, it means that the coach does not trust Campbell to make the throws, and no wonder the Skins tried to get Mark Sanchez in the draft.

Exactly, he doesn't trust Campbell. That's it what means. Zorn needs to compensate against that, assuming Zorn does not want to get fired in January.

Zorn can play not to lose and continue the his red zone play calling as is, go 8-8, and get fired; he can be very aggressive and have Campbell throw the season away, go 5-11, and get fired; or he can let Campbell throw the g-d damn ball to a g-d damn receiver, go 11-5, make the playoffs, and keep his job. Make a choice, coach.

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