Sunday, September 27, 2009

Zealots For Bad Causes: Lions 19, Redskins 14

On Yom Kippur, we atone for our sins. Mocking, Insulting, Lusting, Lying, Killing. Maybe we atone for being incompetent, listless, purposeless, careless, neglectful, irresponsible, unnaccountable. The Washington Redskins should atone for causing so much pain and rage to their endlessly devoted fans. The Redskins lost to Detroit 19-14, ending Detroit's 19 game losing streak.

It wasn't like we lost a heartbreaker. We played like shit from beginning to end, and deserved to lose to the worst team in football, which isn't so lousy anymore, thanks to us. In order for atonement to be achieved, one must list and categorize the sins committed.

Sin #1--Going for Fourth and 1 in the first quarter with no score, on the road, and running left, and getting stuffed. First of all, I am on record saying kick the field goal. Get up 3-0 and try again later. Going for it shows that you are not coaching against this week's opponent, it shows that you are coaching against the media, the expectations, the booing fans, the owner's cell phone. Be desperate, don't act desperate. Portis got stuffed running to the left side--something former Redskin Jon Jansen could have called attention to in the first minute of the first meeting of the week. Half a yard--go straight ahead. Hell, jump over the line with your busted ankles if you want.

Sin #2--Not blitzing quarterback Matthew Stafford. He's a rookie. Blitz him. Orakpo had a nice sack, but there was no real pressure on the QB, again. He missed a couple of passes badly, but when he had time, he made some really nice throws and was able to continue drives, three long ones. Does this sound familiar? Is a theme developing? How on earth did Greg Blache earn a reputation for loving exotic blitz schemes? He never uses them. Is giving up these long drives really better than gambling on a more aggressive attack that runs the risk of giving up a big play?

Sin #3--Not throwing the ball in the end zone on the last play of the game and instead running a hook and lateral play. Yeah, we probably would not have scored but not trying is just ridiculous when you have tall guys like Marko and Kelly now. Down 13-0 at half, the Skins came out and struck quick with a 57 yard catch and run by Santana Moss who really had a great game. With the score 13-7 with 13 minutes left in the 3rd quarter, we really thought we'd back in the game and hopefully win in an ugly squeaker.

But after a killer pass interference by Chris Horton which set up a touchdown, we knew there wasn't going to be enough time to come back. Campbell drove the team down for a touchdown--a short pass to Rock Cartwright--but there just wasn't enough time after we got the ball back. The hook and lateral play stalled at the 20 after Ladell Betts was taken down.

Portis had 42 yards rushing. He looked pretty good on a couple of runs, but a little slow, maybe because of his ankle spurs and maybe because he has LaDainian Tomlinson washedupedness, which would be really sad. So they lost, we ate brisket, and got changed and headed for Kol Nidre at Georgetown University.

Its a devastating loss that not only questions whether the Skins could compete for the playoffs, but whether Zorn should be fired or when, who would takeover, how much it would cost to take the team from Snyder, whether the players give a crap about anything, and whether fans should even continue their support.

One fan has put his fan loyalty up for bidding on ebay. Others are jumping ship, saying they will root for the Steelers or Ravens because they have their shit together. First of all, the Skins are 1-2, not 3-9. This nadir has happened in September and not in November. Lots of teams start how terribly and catch fire later on. Those teams usually beat us when we need wins in November, and we can still be one of those teams.

This week, in addition to all the rage and despair, there is also schizophrenia. Either we are a great team that has tons of excellent talent that is underachieving and being poorly coached, or we are delusional about our talent and depth and therefore, we really shouldn't be all that pissed off at a 1-2 start and playing lousy/mediocre football. Seriously, the right side of our offensive line is Grade A, 100% lousy. Almost half of our offensive line is not useable, so how are we supposed to expect to score 30 points?

My take is that we aren't as talented as we though we were in August, but we ARE TALENTED. And if we had coaches who could call dynamic/non-static plays and inspire our players to go balls-out and hunger for victory, we'd be a lot better. Second, with regard to all that emotional energy that is making fans want to give up--that energy cannot be transferred to another team, and anyone who thinks different is delusional. The rage that makes you punch the couch or throw your hat to the ground when something bad happens, or the floating joy you feel after a big win that makes you want to frolic with the animals like in a Disney movie became part of your emotional DNA when you were a kid, and its not going anywhere even if you wish it would.

One may ask, but wait, weren't you a Baltimore Orioles fan from a very young age, and didn't you have no trouble shedding that allegiance when the Nationals came to town? Yes, but that only highlights the fact that as a Washingtonian, there was a glass ceiling on my connection to a team that played in Baltimore. You can't give up the Redskins, and there aren't any grounds to do so anyway. This rage is actually a cold hard slap of reality--the team is not built to compete right now and probably won't be for a while even under the best of circumstances.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Strange Days

Strange days have found us
Strange days have tracked us down
They're going to destroy
Our casual joys...
> - The Doors

What a weird, bad week for the Redskins. After beating the Rams 9-7, rookie linebacker Robert Henson got mad at booing fans and called them dimwits.

Sonny Jurgensen and Zorn got into another awkward discussion about how Sonny would have refused to call the half-back option play and Zorn said he would have benched him for doing so.

Fans jammed phone lines on talk radio to announce that they've had it. They've friggin had it with the underachieving Skins and their meddling owner. After a win, remember. They are 1-1 remember.

Many prominent voices in the national media, including Sports Illustrated's Don Banks and Peter King, decided this is the week for the Lions to break their 19 game losing streak. Against us--the Redskins.

Clinton Portis, in an interview, agreed that everyone including himself is on the hot seat, and that he fully understands why fans are so pissed--paying hundreds of dollars, sitting in hours of traffic, to see a dispassionate underachieving team not score any touchdowns.

The Skins are 6 point favorites to win, and go 2-1, which is usually considered a great start around here. But we want improvement. And when they tell us that Campbell looks great in year 2 of the system, that Kelly has made strides to become the solid #2 receiver, that Dockery will shore up the o-line for a while, that Haynesworth will be the tipping point that makes the defense truly elite--we buy it, believe it, and want to see it on the damn field. And when they squeak by, 9-7, we say, holy %^&*ing sh**! There is no improvement! You're killing us with this sh**!

OK, so I had a mini-Redskins panic attack Thursday night. I just want them to play the game and get this over with. We either join the ranks of the truly lousy and end our denial, or we stay a float a little longer, say, hm, 2-1! Not too bad!

Email Traffic from this week:

Me: I just watched highlights from last October's game vs. Detroit. We were down 10-6 at halftime. We didn't take the lead until 4 minutes left in the 3rd quarter when Campbell threw to Moss down the right sideline. This is likely going to be a trying experience.

Steve: I remember NOT watching that game last year at a bar in Michigan because it was blacked out on local t.v. At least I get to watch the game this year.

Do you think if every Redskins fan contributed 100 dollars to an "Oust Dan Snyder" fund, and if that fund raised 1 trillion dollars, we could buy the team back from him? If not, the only other way we're ever going to be good is if he gets assassinated, which I hope doesn't happen, but fear might happen. if he knew this, maybe he'd take the money. I know I'd be willing to contribute to the fund.

Dad: I am afraid this could be a very long and trying Sunday.

Wishful thinking prediction: Yeah, despite it all, I still don't see a loss here. I don't see fun either. Redskins 23 Lions 16

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Free Jason Campbell

Idiot columnist Peter King says that if Zorn is not calling conventional pass plays for Campbell in the red zone, it means that the coach does not trust Campbell to make the throws, and no wonder the Skins tried to get Mark Sanchez in the draft.

Exactly, he doesn't trust Campbell. That's it what means. Zorn needs to compensate against that, assuming Zorn does not want to get fired in January.

Zorn can play not to lose and continue the his red zone play calling as is, go 8-8, and get fired; he can be very aggressive and have Campbell throw the season away, go 5-11, and get fired; or he can let Campbell throw the g-d damn ball to a g-d damn receiver, go 11-5, make the playoffs, and keep his job. Make a choice, coach.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 2: A Win is a Win (Sigh) Redskins 9, Rams 7

"Oh, my man, I love him so, he'll never know All my life is just despair, but I don't care When he takes me in his arms The world is bright, all right... What's the difference if I say I'll go away When I know I'll come back on my knee someday For whatever my man is, I am his forever more."

This is a song by Barbra Streisand from the musical "Funny Girl." Replace "man" and "his" and "he" with "Redskins." Its kind of funny and kind of sad, but definitely kind of true.

It was a beautiful day in Washington--sunny and in the 70s. I woke up bright and early to get in a good workout, and then Joey I drove out to Redskins Club, stopping at Subway for sandwiches along the way, and singing along to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye. We got in a nice warmup game of catch in the front lawn.

The Skins were able to move the ball pretty well in between the 20s with a lot of short passes to Cooley. Campbell looked pretty solid and had plenty of time to throw, but when they got into the Red Zone, they took the foot of the pedal. Every single time, on first and goal, it was run left with Portis for 1 or zero yards. On one play, Idiot Thomas dropped a quickly thrown pass. On another occasion, Sellers dropped a perfectly placed pass that would have been a touchdown. Red zone offense reached an all time low when, after two runs, they tried a Clinton Portis option pass that missed Cooley in the corner. What the eff! I couldn't believe Zorn wouldn't let Campbell throw in the red zone. Was there not a better time to do it--at home against the worst team in the NFL?

1st redzone drive:

1st-8-StL8 Rush Clinton Portis up the Middle to StL7 for 1 yard
2nd-7-StL7 Pass Jason Campbell Pass to Clinton Portis to StL3 for 4 yards
3rd-3-StL3 Incomplete Pass Jason Campbell Pass Incomplete to Devin Thomas
4th-3-StL3 Made Field Goal Shaun Suisham 21 yard field goal is GOOD.

2nd red zone drive:

1st-8-StL8 Rush Clinton Portis up the Middle to StL10 for -2 yards
2nd-10-StL10 Incomplete Pass Jason Campbell Pass Incomplete to Mike Sellers
3rd-10-StL10 Incomplete Pass Jason Campbell Pass Incomplete to Antwaan Randle El
4th-10-StL10 Made Field Goal Shaun Suisham 28 yard field goal is GOOD

3rd red zone drive:

1st-7-StL7 Rush Clinton Portis Off Left End to StL7 for no gain
2nd-7-StL7 Rush Clinton Portis Off Right Guard to StL5 for 2 yards
3rd-5-StL5 Incomplete Pass Clinton Portis Pass Incomplete to Chris Cooley
4th-5-StL5 Made Field Goal Shaun Suisham 23 yard field goal is GOOD.

4th red zone drive:

1st-10-StL11 Rush Ladell Betts Off Left End to StL7 for 4 yards
2nd-6-StL7 Rush Ladell Betts Off Left End to StL4 for 3 yards
3rd-3-StL4 Time Out Washington Redskins timeout.
3rd-3-StL4 Rush Clinton Portis Off Left Guard to StL2 for 2 yards
4th-1-StL2 Two Minute Warning Two-Minute Warning
4th-1-StL2 Rush Clinton Portis Off Left End to StL4 for -2 yards

The defense got a lot of pressure on Bulger including the blitz, and may have shut out the Rams but for a very long Steven Jackson run that led to a fade route touchdown following a Moss fumble.

At one point, the defense clearly caused a fumble that was recovered by Andre Carter. I thought, no problem, we'll drive 20 yards and be up 10-0 in no time. However, somebody threw Bulger to the ground for a roughing the passer penalty--first down Rams. This was memorialized in a quick text conversation between me and Steve, who was in New York.

Steve: Yes!

Me: No

Steve: Shit!

Dad correctly predicted that the drive ending with Moss' fumble would sputter, though I thought we would get a touchdown. And yes, Joey got in her first nap of the year. A pretty long one. She woke up at some point in the third quarter.

The skins went for fourth down twice on the final drive in an attempt to put the game away. They got the first one. But on fourth and 1 from 4, they ran a stretch play to the left which got blown up. A stretch play when you need a half a yard? The playcalling is just unfathomable. Skins fans booed a lot despite winning. But our patience is really thin, and if they're gonna squeak by the shitty teams, they better get ready for more. We called the Rams, the Lions, the Bucs our patsies. But we're the patsys in denial until an opponent gets blown out.

Dad does not blame Campbell, he blames Zorn. "His Red Zone offense is worse than predictable. It is pitiful. The entire viewing audience knows exactly what he is gonna do on first down. Run Portis to the left side. Result? Stuff. Then, the entire audience (including unfortunately the other team's defense) knows that Campbell will try a short pass over the middle. Result? Nada. Then, on third down, there will be either another Portis run or a trick play. Trick play? You gotta be kidding. That's what we used to do after school. On the play that Gene Katz broke his leg, we ran the same play (with me playing Portis, with the same sad result). Hey, If Gene Katz and I can think up that trick play, and get results as good as the Skins got yesterday, how come they pay Zorn the big bucks and not me?

I would like football to go back to the days of Billy and Sonny. Let the QB call his own plays. Then, if Campbell screws up, we CAN blame him. Right now, there is no accountability. The team can grouse about the Head Coach calling a lousy game (true) and Boswell can bitch about Campbell having one of the worst ratios of TDs to total passes in the history of the league (blaming Campbell for this incompetence) and both are right. No accountability. Zorn is gonna get fired at the end of this season, unless he wins the Super Bowl (and maybe even then) and Snyder is gonna get himself a new QB no matter what (maybe Jeff George, or Brett Farve). And, then we're gonna rebuild for four years, and then do it all over again."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Desperate Times

In Redskins Insider, the new guy, I forget his name right now, said: "I know the Redskins did not play well in their 23-17 loss in Week 1 at Giants Stadium, but the despair many fans have expressed on the Insider, Internet message boards and sports-talk radio seems a tad premature to me. The reality is it was highly unlikely the Redskins, who've lost seven of eight against their division rivals, would win at Giants Stadium. And it's not as if they opened against a team that went winless last season."

But that's the problem. The reality is it was highly unlikely the Redskins would win in New York. IT SHOULD NEVER BE HIGHLY UNLIKLEY. NEVER! AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM!

I looked at the highlights of the game last night, and its frustrating to see that although the Giants showed that they were clearly better, the game was lost on 2 completely unnecessary plays.

1. The td pass to Manningham--Its third and 7 and Eli throws a 3 yard pass to the wideout. Smoot is there. I yell, "Go for the legs!" If Smoot took him down, that would have forced a long field goal attempt. 10 yards down the sideline, DeAngelo Hall has a chance to bump him out, but he "olays" it just like a little league short stop. Pathetic.

2. Campbell's fumble--The pocket was set up for him perfectly. All he had to do was enter the pocket with a step or two forward. Instead he got stripped by a player who was properly blocked to the perimeter.

2 plays, 2 touchdowns. Game over.

This week, we couldn't ask for a better situation to go 1-1. At home, on Sunday, at 1:00 against a lousy team, with a new coach, that is also a team that was lousy last year but beat us at home so they can't sneak up on us. Got that, Redskins!?

Will Zorn let Campbell go bombs away, or will he try to get a 16 point lead and then hold on for dear life and try to escape 16-13 like we've been doing the last few years. That the question Boswell asked today. If the Redskins don't blow out the Rams, it will prove that there is no improvement, and showing improvement is arguably as important as getting this win is.

I submit wishful thinking prediction: Redskins 31, Rams 13.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What the hell was that? What the hell are you thinking? Giants 23, Redskins 17

The day got off to a very bad start. I woke up before 8 to see if my busted ankle would be able to support me in my soccer game. I sat down at the computer to play "Sunday Morning" by K-Os to celebrate the dawn of the new season when I heard a hissing sound coming from the kitchen. After a very superficial examination, I realized I didn't understand what the hell was going on, so I naturally woke Joey, who discovered that the plastic water line connecting the freezer's icemaker to the sink had ruptured and was about to flood our home.

I ran to get her now defunct laundry bucket and we filled it up with water before she figured out how to twist the rupture shut. She then put a dress sock on top of it and taped it up while I lifted the half bull hamper of water and tossed out through the window screen and on to the parking lot.

Joey had moved the fridge from the wall, and in the process, we found a 3 or 4 inch square hole in the side of the cabinets that existed for no other reason then to let mice sneak in. The builder must have thought, dang, these cabinets look pretty good, what's missing? Oh, I know, a big useless fucking hole so that one a day a mouse can come in cause all kinds of a havoc!

So off we went to the hardware store, where we got a big flat wrench to turn off the water, some sealing foam, sandpaper, and some spray scent for my car which always seems to stink after I play sports.

We got home and Joey turned off the water while I hurriedly put my gear on for my soccer game. It was really nice day, and because we were playing the worst team in the league--only slightly worse than us--I wanted to play badly. After some warmup runs, I realized I could run on my ankle, but not kick very well. I played the whole game and did pretty well, but we lost 3-2 of course.

After showering and changing, we drove out to Dad's for Redskins club.

It was deja vu all over again. The Giants slowly and methodically marched down the field converting third and 8s with 9 yard completions. We had a chance to recover a fumbled snap, but of course we didn't do it. We also refused to blitz and put Eli in uncomfortable positions. However, they only got a field goal.

The Skins responded with a really nice Portis run on first down, followed by a horribly executed option pass for Randle El who forgot to throw it away and got sacked. Screen pass and then punt.

Steve and Dad thought the option play was a terrible play call, but I thought it was worth a shot. If the play isn't there, all you have to do is throw the ball away. Idiot!

The new and improved defense simply could not put put any pressure (or simply refused to blitz him because Blache is a damn idiot moron) and Eli was able to keep our offense off the field. One one play, the pocket around Eli caved in a little before he threw it, and Steve thought that that constituted pressure. No, that's not pressure. I said that he had Battered Fan Syndrome.

Pressure is when a quarterback is hit so hard that every gasps and covers their mouths, and wonders whether if the same amount of violence would occur had the QB been hit by a bus. No, the Redskins don't put on that kind of pressure. They did hit Eli and roughed him, causing a fumble, but the Skins couldn't score except for a fake field goal touchdown.

Yeah, that's right, the performance was so bleak that a fake field goal touchdown could barely improve the mood of the group.

In addition to all this, I lost all of my bets and two of my fantasy football teams got throttled.

Next week, at home vs. St. Louis Rams. If we lose that, it will be a conflagration.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 1: At New York Giants

The skins have to start the year at New York again. Last year, I thought, there is really no way we are going to win this game. I thought that if Landry, Jason Taylor, and Clinton Portis had really good games, we could win. They did not, we did not.

The defense played very well though, holding the Giants to 16 points, 0 in the second half. Zorn called lousy plays, and his clock management was juvenile.

This year, I actually think we have a solid chance to win, around 50/50. Our defense is better, while they have no Plaxico or a viable substitute for him. Orakpo and Haynesworth can create a lot more trouble for Eli than he is used to from us. On offense, Campbell needs to get the ball down field for big gainers and convert third down with his arm. Kelly needs to be the difference here.

Wishful thinking prediction:

Redskins 24 Giants 17

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Opening Day Approaches....

A Comcast commercial came on the other day showing highlights of seasons past, and I got a little misty eyed, and my heart went all a twitter. Joey remarked that the Redskins are arguably my greatest passion. I said that she was, "but yes, it is true, I do love it so."

HBO ran a documentary about the Chicago Cubs and their long suffering fans a few years ago. Jeff Garlin, who plays Larry David's manager on "Curb Your Enthusiasm," and life-long Cubs fan, says that every year on baseball's opening day, when he's about to watch the Cubs' first game, he tears up because he's just so happy to be alive. That's the way I feel about the Redskins.

I like to play K-Os's "Sunday Morning" when I wake up on opening day. Upon waking up that morning, while still in bed, I've been known to sing "its the most won-der-ful time...of the year" or "its a most unusual day" from that Seinfeld episode about the failed beauty pageant contestant.

I can remember past opening days going back a long way, back to that critical 1986 year when I became a genuine knowledgable fan.

1986--being driven home from Hebrew School by Dad just in time to watch the Skins beat the Eagles

1987--Skins beat the Eagles again, also in the New Room. Doug Williams has the ball snatched right out of his hands like it was a bag of cash by Reggie White, but they win anyway.

1988--Skins opened up on Monday Night Football. I did not watch it.

1989--Skins opened up on MNF again vs. NYG. We went to an Orioles game. I never claimed to be perfect. I've made mistakes and I tried to move on and learn from them.

1990--Skins beat up on the Cardinals. I missed some of it because of soccer.

1991--We drove home from Steve's soccer tournament in Princeton just in time to watch the Skins destroy the Lions on Sunday Night Football. I knew it was going to be a special season

1992--Defending champs start on the road at Dallas, bad things happen. Blocked punt I think.

1993--We went to this one, beating the crap out of Dallas at RFK. The Petitbon era was born. The joy did not last very long

1994--Watched the Norv Turner era begin in the finished basement. Desmond Howard scored a touchdown. The rest was terrible

1995--We went to this one too vs. Arizona. Gus came off the bench for injured heath Shuler and threw a sweet pump and go to Leslie Shepherd to win it.

1996--At Michigan. 1:00 kickoff comes and goes without me witnessing it. Somehow the planet does not explode. The Redskins lose to the Eagles.

1997--In my dorm room at South Quad, Redskins are at Panthers for the Sunday night opener. They win. I drink beers.

1998--Walk up to Touchdown's on South U. to see a sign saying the satellite is broken. Holy shit. I ask two total strangers wearing 'skins gear to drive me to another cross town near the Ann Arbor mini airport. I get to watch Gus Frerotte throw a bunch of interceptions and get benched for Trent Green

1999--Arguably the worst start ever. Blow 35-14 lead to Dallas at home, lose in overtime on playaction bomb to Rocket Ismail. Storm out of Touchdowns for worst walk of misery ever.

2000--The Rathskeller, Coral Gables, Fla. Watch the Dream Team 2000 Redskins barely squeak by the Panthers for win at home. Bar manager asks me if I had just become a Redskins fan this year. I knew Miami was going to be a horrible place.

2001--Back in Bethesda at Dad's house. Jeff George is awful, defense is awful, everything is awful, and I spill ketchup on my jersey. Chargers win in blowout.

2002--A beautiful sunny sunday, Skins start at home at 1:00 as the Spurrier era is ushered in. A couple of td catches from Matthews to Gardner for the win

2003--Thursday night opener against the Jets. Ramsey fakes and scrambles to get in field position for winning field goal. JetSkins win.

2004--In attendance for beginning of Gibbs II on very hot day. Portis has his big breakaway td run on his first carry, Brunell fumbles in a touchdown, but the defense--Bowen, Arrington, Pierce--makes big plays to win

2005--Dad is kicked out of his house because of a baby shower or something so we watch at my apt. Ramsey starts well but is taken out after being clotheslined. Brunell leads team to 3 awesome field goals and the Skins defeat rookie qb Kyle Orton and the Bears

2006--What is supposed to be a big year begins really badly. Skins just play with the bunny (Swingers reference) and Brad Johnson and the Vikings gets his happy revenge on us on national tv after we miss a field goal late

2007--Sloppy, ugly game at home vs. Miami. Jansen pops his achilles, Smoot drops what would be a game winning int. return but the skins run it well in OT and win on field goal

2008--Thursday night opener, homecoming opponent for defending champ giants. Zorn calls shitty plays, can't manage the clock, but the defense makes it look like it was competitive. Skins lose 16-7.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Jaguars 24 Redskins 17. Preseason is Over

I like the way Jason Campbell looked in this one. He was 4 for 6, which included two blazing passes aimed at the heads of Malcolm Kelly and Antwan Randle El. The first one was a nice out route to the sideline. On Campbell's last pass of the night, he want deep down the middle, getting the ball just over two defenders--who crashed into each other--and on two the hands of ARE who couldn't hold on. He was then flattened by the safety.

Running back Anthony Aldridge was on the bubble already, but when he fumbled a kickoff return that was returned for a touchdown, that was how the professionals say, really bad. I don't think he, Dorsey, or Marcus Mason are going to make the team. Rock Cartwright is just too important on special teams to release him.

Marko Mitchell scored another touchdown on a fade pattern. Marko rules! He is exactly what I hoped the Redskins were getting when they signed Anthony Mix a couple of years ago. A big guy who can go up and get a jump ball.

Joey and I watched the game again at the condo. We ate vegan asian chicken from Whole Foods. After the starters went out of the game, she worked on a photo book of wedding pictures and I worked on my 80s mixes.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Et tu, Daniel Snyder?

"Redskins Fans Waited While Brokers Got Tickets" was the title of the Washington Post story that ran on September 2. The gist: Redskins ticket sales representatives took a whole bunch of tickets that could have been distributed to real Redskins fans on the famous wait list and instead distributed them to brokers so that the brokers could mark them up, and the sales reps could get credit for bringing in a whole stack of cash to the Redskins.

The result:

In November of last year, the night before the national election, scum bag Steelers fans invaded Fed Ex field and had themselves a great old time. Redskins fans were embarrassed.

Was it because the Steelers fans are just so rabid, and that they'd forego paying the mortgage to see the Steelers?

Was it because of DC traffic that Skins fans wanted to unload their tickets? Was it because of the election the next day?

Was it because we're good fans but are sick of going to that lousy stadium for a mediocre product that comes with waiting in a parking lot for an hour and a half?

Was it because that stupid stadium is too damn big, and that its easy for transplanted fans to get their hands on tickets?

No! Its because the Redskins themselves would rather get an injection of cash than have a genuine 12th man at Fed Ex Field. Daniel Snyder said he was "livid" when he found out about these rogue elements in the Redskins organization. Even he has to understand how hard that is to believe after 10 years of overpriced beers and parking for a shitty game day experience and an underachieving football team.

As the great Thomas Boswell said: "This is the kind of unconscious affection that bad owners prey upon. To them, we're better than mere customers. We're their marks, their suckers, branded from childhood with the team logo. And the worst of them exploit it shamelessly, though they had nothing to do with the creation of that loyalty."

While having omelettes with dad at Silver Diner, I compared the game day experience to Caddyshack 2 where Jackie Mason ruined Bushwood Country Club by putting in a waterslide theme park. That's kind of what I think of Fed Ex when I see the big inflated helmet, with the assholes running in a circle with a redskins flag. All that's missing is a Redskins mascot suit handing out Redskins lollipops.