Friday, September 30, 2011

This Is Not a Trap! The Rams Are Not Inferior!

No, its not, Admiral Ackbar. Why don't you do a little more planning on that Endor Special-Ops mission and a little less belittling of the 0-3 St. Louis Rams.

Calling it a trap game assumes that the Redskins are so, so, good, and the Rams are just crrrrap.  Why would anyone think that?  The Rams, literally, cannot sneak up on us.  Look up "sneak" in the dictionary.  Its not possible.

2008:  Rams 19, Redskins 17
2009:  Redskins 9, Rams 7 (the worst feeling win ever, arguably)
2010:  Rams 30, Redskins 16

LaVar Arrington: this is a game you're supposed to get.

Bullshit, dude.  Don't say that.  The Redskins must assume the highest of assumptions.  They must put the Rams on platinum jewel-encrusted pedestal.  Otherwise, its going to be a crappy punch in the stomach on Sunday again.

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