Seriously, what do we have here?
A team that was firing on all cylinders offensively, then started turning the ball over and having kicks blocked, then recovered and took the lead, then blew it by letting the opponent's best player get wide open for a long bomb touchdown, then rallying for two scoring drives late in the 4th quarter to win by one point.
Everyone's saying we would have lost this game last year. I'm not so sure about that. Some people and things get used to dysfunction and drama, and need it, like Ricky Bobby's dad in that Will Ferrell movie who couldn't resist starting a fight in an Appleby's once everything seemed to fall into place. The dysfunctional Redskins won some of these crazy games because they had become used to craziness, and then would get blown out 80-13 the next week.
But when they won those crazy games, it took crazy stuff to get points, like when DeAngelo Hall stripped Tashard Choice and scored on the last play of the first half in Week 1 last year; or the offense would score on the first drive and then shut it down, and then count on long punt returns, interceptions, and field goals to squeak by.
This year's offense, at least with regard to first downs and yardage, plays 4 quarters, and they get first downs with young running backs, long throws downfield, and conversions on third and long.
Historically, when the Redskins have taken the opening kickoff, moved it down to the red zone methodically, and then thrown a terrible noodle armed indecisive pick at the goal line blowing a chance at easy points, its a psychological burden that lingers. Everyone is thinking we should have more points now, if only.... Like Seinfeld said, its a big matzoh ball hanging out there.
It was 10-7 at the half following another Sleepy Davis touchdown, but everyone was still thinking about those other points that got away.

With the score 14-13, Kolb rolled to his right, planted, and released deep a split second before he got crushed from behind. And there he was, Larry Fitzgerald, only the absolute best player in the stadium that no one should ever lose track of, wide open and running into the end zone.
But Rex came right back. We all agreed Rex was not going to be afraid. He's not the type of person who worries about his hand after he's burned it on the stove.
On 4th and 3, he decided not to throw to the wide open guy in the flat, and opted to go for it all. Moss scored, and they eventually went on to win after Bryon Westbrook caused a fumble on the Cardinals' last drive.
So we're 2-0, which is awesome, but despite all the buzz, the Cardinals game doesn't feel like we've really turned the page. Its going to take a decisive victory against Dallas for that to happen.