A lot to get through...first, my hat. I did a fine job cutting out the cardboard insides and reducing the structural pieces, and wearing it in the shower so it shrinks to my head. Joey has also contributed by krazy gluing some cutting mistakes. However, portions of the hat still looked quite bumby and displeasing. So, I appointed master seamstress Joey to to see if she couldn't tear out the problematic seems and then sew them back tighter with red thread to create that smooth, effortless feel. And she succeeded!
Second, the Redskins lost to Baltimore 23 to 3, but again, we couldn't get to watch it live because we were out dining at Proof to celebrate Steve's engagement! Incredible, wonderful news.
On replay, McNabb looked pretty good throwing to Anthony Armstrong and Santana Moss. They would have had a really nice finish to a drive if Sleepy Davis had been able to hold on to a pass in the back of the end zone.

Larry Johnson played at running back and looked kind of lousy, but the o-line really wasn't giving him much to work with.
The starting defense also looked pretty solid. Brian Orakpo was brining a lot of pressure that should have resulted in about 3 holding penalties but the referees were being Baltimore lovin' a-holes.
Then, McNabb started to look like crap. He threw an interception, a second would-be interception was dropped, and he missed a wide open Armstrong down the right sideline. Before he left the game for Rex, however, he recovered and hit Santana for some nice catch and runs.
Overall, the starting O and D looked pretty decent against one of the NFL's top teams at the moment.
Most importantly, little Stevie and Faryn are getting married. This means a new sister-in-law for me, and a new member of Redskins Club. Clearly, this development warrants waiving the probationary period and going straight for full membership benefits for Faryn. Congrats and Mazel Tov!
Faryn officially is waived in; no probationary period, and she is entitled to full membership provileges, including partaking in club feasts and napping during the boring times.