Friday, July 30, 2010

OMG, Coach, Its So Hot!

Haynseworth is supposed to be able to run 6 shuttle runs of 25 yards each in 70 seconds, take a short rest, and then repeat, in order for him to join the team in regular practice.
Shanahan says this is a special rule for Big Al. The other big guys didn't have to do it in June or April because they were at practice, walking around in shells and shorts, going through the motions.
This is total nonsense, of course, and I almost feel bad for Big Al having to do all this extra work as punishment.
And then I think about his bank account and my student loans, and I don't feel so bad for him anymore.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back to the Future

Its been about 7 months since the San Diego game and the merciful end of the 2009 campaign. Today, is the first day of the next new era, the Shanahan years, as training camp opens today in Ashburn.

The big story is Albert Haynesworth. He decided to show up, which was really sweet of him, but the story is that he failed his fitness test even though he starved himself in an effort to avoid playing nose tackle. Its amazing how much effort people can put into doing something because of laziness--like spending hours making cheat sheets for a relatively unimportant vocabulary quiz in high school.

As a result of this failure, Shanahan ostensibly will not allow Haynesworth to practice with the team. So, that's not good.

The biggest story is supposed to Donovan McNabb's first training camp not in Philadelphia. In one interview, he said that when you're with a team for 11 years, you're not just going to be able to forget all about it and put it behind you.

Look dude. They dumped you. They kicked you to the curb. Its time to focus on us, take us out to dinner, maybe to a show.